The children had a blast on Christmas day. Santa had left their presents out so they got to play with them when they got up. There where three princess dolls for the girls, a box of legos for Adrian, and a toy vaccuum cleaner for C. As soon as Grandma C and the cousins made an appearence they were allowed to unwrap all their presents. They had far to many but mommy and daddy got lots of hugs and thank yous. Not long after the first unwrapping of the presents. Grandma and Grandpa S and Aunty Ellen showed up with three bags full of presents. I wish I had pics of the outfits that Grandma and Grandpa S got for the kids. They are adorable. I will take some and post next time they wear them. The children played all day and were falling asleep at Christmas dinner that evening.

Adrian helps Grandpa open his presents.

C plays with the mini robot that looks just like Uncle Davids. He did the happy dance when he opened it!

Tamara got a Sleeping Beauty Princess doll from Santa.

Kelsie got a Cinderella Princess doll from Santa. Not pictured is Karly's Snow White Princess doll from Santa.

Grandma and Adrian.

Opening presents.

C got the "baccum ceaner" toy he begged Santa for.